Seeing the Big Picture

Tactical Research, Target Markets,
& Audience Growth

Seeing the Big Picture

Tactical Research, Target Markets,
& Audience Growth

Seeing the Big Picture

Tactical Research, Target Markets, & Audience Growth

Leadership has several critical factors to it. One of the essential pieces of the puzzle when it comes to being a visionary leader is the ability to look down the road to see the opportunities, the pathways, and the roadblocks to success. It requires you to understand the energy available for driving engagement, capturing potential clients, and maintaining sustainability to keep a scalable perspective and be proactive in your business. Reliable habits and repeatable processes take the guesswork and the micromanagement out of your methodologybut your ability to manage the bigger picture ultimately helps you find success for yourself and your team. 

These are the beginning steps of building your demand and growing a sustainable engine for success in your business. Demand generation isn’t just about automation or a digital flywheel; it’s the system where you research who is in the business, what you are all about, and how you find the right community to engage. Managing your business focuses on scalability at speed, the environment of trust in the workplace, and the actual strengths of your personnel. Managing your demand gen processes focuses on your ability to tell your story to those listening, engage pain points with solutions that speak to your target audience, and develop pipelines of shared values that make partnerships more successful in the long run.

Whatever your go-to-market strategy entails if you don’t know much about who you are targeting, why they would choose you, or where they are in the decision cycle, your odds of winning their business are disastrously low. You might be employing a top-notch enterprise software or a hungry team of sales consultants, but if you can’t see the big picture in a way that directs them to the audience they can reach, your demand gen efforts will feel like a lucky shot at best, and a hit-and-miss effort that never realizes the potential. 

The Seeing the Big Picture Workshop focuses on the perspectives it takes to understand who the community that surrounds you is. Not only do you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your resources, but you need to research efforts into your target audience that won’t leave you flat. The tactical side of engagement collaborates the process across multi-channel efforts in a cohesive way so that you’re not spinning your wheels every time you develop a new campaign. It’s time to stop majoring on the minors and see the big picture. 

Let's talk more about
what you are looking for

If you are interested and want to learn more about The Seeing the Big Picture Workshop, please use the form below to let us know. We are excited to talk more about what you are looking for and what your needs are to make your next impact in the world and your community. It’s in these workshops that we develop conversations that lead to action, discussions that lead to ingenuity, and ideation that grows innovation — integrating communal influence to impact the world. 

Whether you want a personal workshop, a company-wide training, or a consultation for strategic planning, we are here to help you conquer your upcoming challenge. Let’s work together to take the next step to the reality of a changed life. Thanks for partnering with 24|15 and valuing people, process, impact, and community the way we do!

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